Bikini Buns – NEW At-Home Butt Shaping System

Bikini Buns – NEW At-Home Butt Shaping System

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Do You Hate Being Naked With The Lights On?

How 2-Minutes IN Bed Can Lift Your Butt, Eliminate Cellulite & Flush Fat

Discover the Bedtime Secret To Smooth Out Cellulite, Firm Up Your Backside, Slim Your Thighs & Drop Up To 6 Pounds in Just 14 Days

When my husband would touch my butt, all I could think of was how flabby it must have felt to him.

It killed my mood…

I HATED being intimate with him…

I would cry before making love…

And apologize afterwards for the dimples and sag I had back there…

No one wants to touch that.

And while this story is hard to share…

it led to a breakthrough that erased 20 years of cellulite and saggy flab off my butt and thighs…

And today, I’m going to share it here with you.

Have You Ever Been Self-Conscious About Your Butt?

Hi, my name is Stephanie…

Everyone talks about how beautiful a big butt is…

I just see mine as flabby, huge, and full of cellulite.

The worse part was when I caught my boyfriend starring at another woman’s butt as we walked into our favorite restaurant on our 3 year anniversary.

He couldn’t even deny it, I caught him in the act.

And when I called him on it, he mumbled and stuttered and couldn’t really give me a straight answer.

All I know is…

He never looked at me like that…

Not anymore, at least.

You Know That Feeling Where Men Stop Paying Attention To You?

When it hits…

It hits hard.

Out of nowhere.

I felt him pulling away…

Sure, he told me it didn’t matter and he thought I was beautiful…

But you and I both know in those private moments us women want to feel sexy and confident.

I thought I’d NEVER feel that way in the bedroom again

Even though he said all the right things, I could tell he was losing interest in me.

He even said that I wasn’t the “spring chicken” I used to be.

Week After Week We Made Love Less And Less

It was like we were strangers living in the same house…

Roommates who talked but had no romantic relationship…

I couldn’t blame him, I started dressing in more “comfortable” clothes that hid the insecurities that never went away.

The more I thought about them, the worse I felt.

He was on his phone ALL the time…

He always said he was “checking football scores”, or “reading the news”…

But his fingers were moving way too fast for that.

I could tell…

He Was Texting With Another Woman

And ladies you know this is true…

Guys don’t like to talk.

So I knew he wasn’t texting all night long with his buddies…

Or his family…

Or anyone from work.

Well, she might have been from work.

Hearing his phone beep in the middle of the night when a new text came in…

Only to see him grab his phone and head for the bathroom…

Where he stayed for minutes that felt like hours…

Always flushing the toilet at the end to cover his tracks.

He Never Even Touched Me Anymore

After a while, I convinced myself that I was the problem.

It sounds crazy, however…

I know that when my butt and belly started to sag…

Is when he lost interest.

Talk to any man and they go nuts over a tight, lifted butt that’s round and nestled perfectly into a pair of tight yoga pants…

That show off just enough but still leave him wanting so much more.

So when that goes, either your man loses interest in you, or he finds other ways to soothe his desire when he can’t get it from you.

Don’t kid yourself…

Every man is a butt man.

Some are just more obsessed than others.

And all I had to offer was a fat and cellulite-filled “mom butt” that followed me around everywhere.

Watching Helplessly As My Body Betrayed Me Led to the Fat-Burning Breakthrough I Was Searching For

I was heartbroken, but in the middle of all the sadness came a strange sense of courage…

…that said NO MAN is going to control me or make me feel bad about myself.

It was in that moment that I decided to do something about it.

Sure, I could seek revenge on him for everything he had done…

But what would that do?

Instead, I decided to make a change for ME.

I Vowed To Get Rid of My Saddlebags & Cellulite No Matter What

And bring back the firm and toned body I had in my 20’s.

I had friends who were 10 years older than me and looked amazing, so I knew it was possible.

I didn’t have all the answers, but I couldn’t let that stop me.

And so, I went to work.

I searched online…

I joined a gym…

I hired a personal trainer…

I even swore off fast food and ate salads for lunch for an entire month…

Yet NOTHING worked…

Until I accidentally stumbled upon an amazing discovery that hundreds of women over 50 are using right now to lift their buns, thin out their thighs, and banish cellulite.

I’m Going to Reveal a Simple 2-Minute Routine You Can Do Right In Bed to Lift Your Buns & Remove Cellulite

Something that’s low-impact and easy on your knees, ankles, and joints…

Something that takes only a few minutes a day…

You can do it right before you fall asleep…

Or first thing the next morning.

Don’t worry, you won’t break a sweat.

In fact, your body will feel firm and strong even though you won’t be breathing heavy or gasping for air.

You don’t have to be flexible or athletic…

And it only requires a handful of movements.

I tested it out on hundreds of women in their 50’s all the way up to their mid 80’s…

And the results were so positive, their husbands were practically whisking them out of my studio so they could some “alone time” before the next session.

Now, I’ll share more about this NEW 2-minute bed routine in just a minute, but first…

I Want You To Pay Close Attention

Lifting your buns, eliminating cellulite, and even flattening your stomach isn’t just about exercise.

This NEW breakthrough involves 3 secret super-nutrients that most women miss when it comes to getting your bikini buns.

In order to tone your butt, you have to get rid of the extra fat back there.

Not all of it, just some of it…

And these 3 secret super-nutrients do just that.

Plus, they work faster than doing 500 squats a day.

And I can 100% guarantee…

You’ve never seen a solution like this before.

It’s so unique in its approach which is why it works so quickly for almost all the women who try it.

And it’s designed to rebalance the female hormonal system, because when your hormones are all out of whack…

It causes sag and cellulite back there.

This Is Something That 99% of So-Called Experts Overlook

In fact, some are referring to this as the “missing link” in getting any woman at any age the bikini body she desires WITHOUT strenuous exercise, crash dieting, or skipping meals.

See, what you may not know is that the reason you have saddlebags, cellulite, and extra fat around your tummy is because of “cellular expansion”.

Don’t worry, I’ll get into more detail about this in just a minute…

Just know that if nothing has ever worked for you before…

Or if you keep trying different solutions and you always end up feeling frustrated…

Or if you just need some general toning, shaping, and thinning and exercise isn’t doing the trick…

Then “cellular expansion” is likely to blame.

Just Know That You Can Get The Firm Backside & Flat Stomach You Desire In Just 2 Minutes a Day

As I mentioned before, my name is Stephanie…

And although I’ve helped over 2,000 women transform their bodies, backsides, and lives using my unique 2-minute “bikini buns” breakthrough…

It wasn’t always that way.

It feels like just yesterday that I would only have sex with the lights off…

I was so self-conscious around my partner that I immediately apologized after every time we made love…

And it wasn’t until I caught him texting with another woman that I decided to take my life into my own hands.

I was never as skinny as I wanted to be…

And I knew my butt played a big role in that…

Because as a woman, I knew that was one of the first places I always stored fat.

Along with my hips and thighs.

And so, I knew I needed to start there.

It Wasn’t Until an Unexpected Trip To My Doctor That I Realized What Was Going On

After my weight kept going up for months…

I got concerned and made an appointment with my doctor.

I felt worn out…

I didn’t have the motivation to do anything…

All I wanted to do was sit on the couch after work, veg out, and watch movies.

And I just felt like I was in this huge rut.

Plus, I have a family history of diabetes and heart complications…

And I wanted to make sure everything was ok.

In the middle of our checkup, I couldn’t beat around the bush any longer…

So I just flat out asked my doctor…

“Why Is My Butt So Big?”

She looked at me stunned, like she’d never gotten that question before.

But I was sick of trying to figure this out on my own…

My butt has been haunting me for years and I just wanted some answers.

After the shock wore off, she started explaining exactly what happens in the female body…

How specific hormones work as you get older to store fat in certain “pockets” of your body…

And how, with age, these “pockets” of fat get harder and harder to burn off.

However, the Real Reason Is Because of “Cellular Expansion

As a woman gets older, your natural levels of estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone naturally decline.

This creates a “storage” mode in your body where you’re storing more calories than you’re burning.

And because of this, your energy needs from food also decreases.

On top of that, when you have more estrogen than progesterone in your body…

The excessive estrogen turns more calories into fat.

This causes the fat cells in your butt, belly, hips and thighs to expand.

And they keep expanding the more you eat because you’re in this “storage mode” based on your hormones being all out of whack.

Now, here’s something else you may not know…

Your Butt Is a Very Special Place for Estrogen To Live

When estrogen is released in the body, you will purposely store fat in your butt area.

That’s because, as a woman, you have more receptors in your backside…

…and fat gets stored there to provide support for pregnancy.

Unfortunately, this keeps happening long after you’ve given birth to your last child.

This creates a layer of subcutaneous fat that spreads across your backside, covers up your bottom, and makes it look larger.

And so, the fat continues to build up with nowhere else to go. For most women…

Your butt is the first place you gain weight, and it’s also the toughest place to lose weight.

And When You Sit Too Much, You Stretch Out This Fat Which Creates a Large, Saggy & Dimpled Backside

Has anyone ever told you that sitting can make your butt bigger?

I’d never heard it before…

Until I came across a research study from Amit Gefen, professor at Tel Aviv University’s Department of Biomedical Engineering.

He said, “Usually when people think of obesity, they think of calories, and food, but it’s so much more than that.”

His Findings Revealed that Nutrition Was Not the Only Factor Driving Obesity…

Cellular Expansion” was Found to Play an Equally Important Role in Fat Production

Sitting down for long periods of time…

…led to an accelerated expansion of fat cells in the buttocks because they were exposed to “sustained, chronic pressure.”

This resulted in a change of the cell’s structure and mechanics [1].

The research confirmed that your butt expands once fat tissue starts to grow in that region of your body…

This leads to the appearance of a larger backside.

If You Have a Bigger Backside Than You Want It’s Likely Because of “Cellular Expansion

Finally! Now you can let yourself off the hook.

Honestly, when my doctor started teaching me about all of this I had a big sigh of relief…

I remember her asking, “You suddenly seem so happy, what’s going on

“Well, I said…up until now I thought there was something wrong with me.

No matter what I tried, I could never get the dimples, saddlebags, and extra flab off…

And after trying and failing at this for almost 2 decades, it started feeling impossible…

I felt like I was the problem.

Like there was nothing that could help me.

But now, I feel relieved…

Because I actually know what’s going on in my body.

And since I know what’s happening hormonally, there must be an answer on how to fix it.”

The 2-Minute Secret to Lifting Your Buns & Erasing Cellulite at ANY Age

What I discovered from my doctor over the next couple of hours was nothing short of amazing.

You see, when it comes to trimming and toning your backside…

And smoothing out cellulite at the same time…

Most people will just tell you to do a bunch of squats, cut out the processed foods, and do more lunges at the gym….

Which is a recipe for disaster if you’re older like me, have bad knees, and can’t get that low to the ground anymore.

Instead, what really stunned me was was the 3 specific “phyto-estrogens” my doctor said to eat on a daily basis to BLOCK fat-storage in my buns and thighs.

Which in turn would help my whole body slim down.

Basically, these “phyto-estrogens” block bad estrogen which in turn STOPS your body from storing fat in your most stubborn areas.

Eat These 3 “Fat-Blocking Foods” Daily To Melt Away Flab

Whether you want to tighten and tone your buns…

Thin out your thighs…

Or get rid of the fat around your belly…

No matter what you do, start adding in these 3 “fat-blocking” foods to your diet today.

Fat-Blocking Food #1: Flax Seed

For centuries, flax seeds have been used for their health-protective properties.

This superfood is high in healthy Omega-3 fats, which most women over 50 are deficient in.

And they’re also a rich source of alpha-linoleic acid (ALA).

ALA is an essential fatty acid, which means you must get it from food because your body doesn’t produce it.

Even better, it can also stimulate the shedding of visceral fat around your belly area.

That’s because ALA increases activity of the hormone leptin on visceral fat cells…

This causes the cells to release stored fat for energy…

Which means you can drop up to 1 inch off your waistline every 2 weeks by simply adding more ALA to your diet.

And since the phytoestrogens will help block fat storage in your backside, your buns will naturally lift and perk up even if you don’t exercise.

Fat-Blocking Food #2: Sesame Seed

Another food that helps block “bad estrogen” are sesame seeds.

They’re rich in antioxidants, which help fight oxidative stress and combat fat-storage in the body.

Even better, since they’re low in carbs, and high in protein and healthy fats, they help support blood sugar control and weight loss.

Simply adding these to a soup or salad can help you feel full for hours.

Fat-Blocking Food #3: Flaxseed Oil

I mentioned flax seeds earlier and they really are the world’s hidden superfood that women aren’t eating nearly enough of…

However, it can be hard to add flax seeds to every meal.

However, flax seed oil contain all the same fat-burning benefits…

Along with plenty of ALA to speed up slimming (especially in your thigh area)…

One study of 59 people compared the effects of flaxseed oil to those of safflower oil.

In this study, supplementing with one tablespoon of flaxseed oil for 12 weeks led to significantly lower blood pressure levels than supplementing with safflower oil [1].

Which in turn can help improve heart health.

It can also help enhance skin health.

One small study had 13 women supplement with with flaxseed oil for 12 weeks.

At the end of the study, they reported experiencing improvements in skin smoothness and hydration, while skin sensitivity to irritation and roughness had decreased [2].

And it’s so much easier to use as a salad dressing or you can drizzle some on top of your veggies.

As You Can See…When It Comes to Sculpting Your Bikini Buns & Eliminating Cellulite For Good, Most “Experts” Have It All WRONG

You don’t need to do endless squats at the gym…

You don’t need to lunges until your knees hurt…

And you definitely don’t need to go on another crash diet that just ruins your metabolism and leaves you feeling hangry all the time…

What we’re talking about here is what really works.

And it starts with eating certain fat-burning foods to BLOCK the “bad estrogen” in your body…

Which STOPS the cellular expansion that’s causing fat to pile up around you butt and thighs in the first place.

Now we’re addressing the problem at its root cause.

You simply have to eat more of the fat-blocking foods listed above.

Then Step #2 is adding in more cellulite-smoothing super-nutrients into your diet.

Eat These “Cellulite-Smoothing SuperNutrients” Daily to Thin Your Thighs & Melt the Fat Covering Up Your Backside

Nagging cellulite is one of the most frustrating parts about the female body…

However, what you may not know is that a lazy lymphatic system encourages your body to hold onto toxins…which helps create cellulite.

The body tends to store toxins in fat, and women tend to store fat in their thighs.

The connective tissue in a womans’ leg forms a fibrous, honeycomb-like pattern where fat tends to lodge….

Which means fat builds up more readily in a woman’s legs than in any other part of her body.

And since the legs have a more concentrated network of lymphatic vessels than any other area of the body…

It’s a recipe for cellulite build-up that can be difficult to reverse.

The good news is…

You can help prevent excess fat buildup and thin out existing thigh fat with a handful of “cellulite-smoothing super-nutrients” that most women are missing.

Cellulite-Smoothing SuperNutrient #1 – Inositol

Inositol, otherwise known as vitamin B8, is extremely effective for insulin resistance.

Insulin is a fat storage hormone…

And if you have extra fat around your belly, thighs, or butt, then there’s a good chance that you may be insulin resistant.

When you lower insulin, your body can burn more fat, especially the type of fat around your legs and buns that cause cellulite.

A great source of inositol are bell peppers and asparagus.

Cellulite-Smoothing SuperNutrient #2 – Choline

If I had to give you just one recommendation, it would be to get more choline in your diet.

That’s because choline is not only an amazing fat-burner, it’s also one of the most important nutrients most women are missing out on…

Which is why it can be so hard to slim down after 50.

The National Academy of Sciences classified choline as an essential nutrient, which means we must get it from food because our body doesn’t produce enough of it.

Choline helps prevent fat and cholesterol buildup in the body…

Regulating the kidney’s, liver, and gallbladder, while also banishing fatigue.

Studies show that choline also helps the body burn fat, resulting in easier weight loss

And it can help nourish your brain, which helps with eliminate brain fog and memory lapses as you age.

Here’s the kicker…

Choline is very effective for helping the liver convert estradiol into estriol – the safer form of “good estrogen”.

This helps the body burn off excess fat, which in turn reverses cellulite.

One of the boost choline-rich foods are eggs…

Just make sure to eat the yolk because that’s where all the choline, nutrients, and healthy fats are.

Cellulite-Smoothing SuperNutrient #3 – Methionine

Methionine is an amino acid you probably haven’t heard of, and yet…

It has the amazing power to reduce cellulite and convert estradiol (aka bad estrogen) into estriol (a safer form of good estrogen).

When this happens, cellulite diminishes, fat melts away, and you’re left looking thinner, younger, with smooth skin and no dimples or sag.

I don’t know anything that’s more powerful.

Methionine is also anti-inflammatory, can help decrease joint pain as you get older, and can even help elevate your mood.

I don’t know many women getting nearly enough methionine and it’s one of the first things I address when working with my private female clients over 50…

Because simply adding in more methionine-rich foods can help get rid of cellulite and flush out extra body fat.

It’s also a building block for protein, which can help preserve your lean muscle into your 60’s and 70’s, when most women get weaker.

One of the greatest sources of methionine is animal protein and fatty fish.

Obviously It Makes Sense to Start Eating More of These Cellulite-Smoothing Foods & Nutrients…

Yet It’s Not That Simple

Once my personal clients started eating these fat-blasting foods and nutrients on a daily basis…

Their bodies started to change right before their eyes.

And yet, there were some who still had some sag, dimples, and jiggle around their thighs and backside…

One of my clients, Mary, who has a HUGE libido despite being 63, said one day…

Why can’t you figure out something we can do in the bedroom to tighten everything up!

It was kind of a joke, at least I think it was, but it got the wheels spinning in my brain…

Because I knew from personal experience that the most effective toning and trimming methods always came from short bursts of exercise…

…NOT spending all day in the gym lifting heavy weights that only bulk you up.

So I got creative…

I mean REALLY creative, and started designing these simple exercises women can do right IN their bed to lift and tone their backside in less than 2 minutes a day.

Sleeping All ALONE Helped Me Discover a Unique 2-Minute “Bikini Buns” Secret

I’m not going to pretend that sleeping alone away from my boyfriend was easy…

But I wasn’t going to let him walk all over me anymore.

And so, one Saturday morning, as I was laying in bed, looking out my bedroom window at the fall leaves falling from the trees…

I felt a little bite on the small of my back.

Startled, I quickly lifted my lower back up off the bed and tried to swat whatever bug was crawling back there…

After about 15 seconds of trying to find whatever bug crawled in my bed…

I realized something…

My butt was on fire!

Not in a bad way…

But in a “wow, I’ve never worked these booty muscles before, where have they been all my life” kinda way.

It felt good, and so…

I Held the Pose for Another 15 Seconds Until My Glutes Gave Out and I Relaxed Back in My Bed

It felt so good, that I waited a minute and did it again and again…

And in just a few minutes, I had worked my saggy butt like it had never been worked before…

It was fun…

It was easy…

Yet it felt so good…

Like my buns were finally getting toned and strong instead of the sag I always see when I look in the mirror. However, I thought…

Was This Really Enough to Melt Away the Fat & Firm Up My Backside?

Even though it felt amazing…

Like I had just completed an hour long routine at the gym…

I was skeptical beyond belief.

I mean, it just seemed too good to be true.

And at first, it was.

While I was losing more fat than ever thanks to the changes in my diet…

I still couldn’t get rid of the sag and saddlebags back there.

Yet, this time I ignored the little voice in my head telling me to give up…

…because that was the OLD me.

And so, I kept eating all the nutrients and phytoestrogen foods my doctor shared with me…

I was using flaxseed oil on EVERYTHING…

And I stuck with the 2 minute routines…

…fitting them in whenever I had the chance.

Usually first thing in the morning before my day got super-hectic.

And after 10 days, my butt started feeling more firm.

I could tell when I walked and when I sat down.

There wasn’t as much cushion back there.

And that’s all the proof and motivation I needed to stick with it.

Week After Week I Kept Doing This Strange 2-Minute Booty Routine in Bed

And I couldn’t believe my eyes.

Not only was my cellulite and dimples vanishing faster than I imagined…

…thanks to all the choline, methionine, and inositol that I was adding to my diet through naturally delicious foods…

My buns were firmer and more toned than ever.

I wore a bikini for the first time in 5 years and my girlfriends kept asking me if I had gotten one of the Brazilian butt lifts because it just looked so perky back there…

And that’s when I knew I was on to something.

Because while I still saw the same women sweating it out in the gym…

Doing hours of cardio and dozens of squats to try and burn the fat and lift their buns…

I was at home eating delicious meals and doing a simple 2-minute routine in my bed.

Everywhere I looked, I saw more proof that shorter movements ARE enough to lift your buns.

I Even Got Rid Of  My Cellulite Without Any Expensive Scrubs or Mixes

After showing off my new body to my girlfriends…

They started asking me a TON of questions, like…

What are you doing?

What are you eating?

You must live in the gym, right?

Did you get butt implants?”

And so, I started breaking down exactly what I was doing on a daily basis, and…

They were shocked at how simple it was.

I wrote down my exact daily routine, told them to follow it for a week or two…

And just a few short weeks later, word had spread like a wildfire.

My friends were telling their friends…

And all of a sudden, I was getting text messages around the clock from women asking me about their butts.

I know, it’s kinda weird, but I embraced it because to me this was about getting healthier.

The lifted buns, the cellulite-free skin, and the flatter stomach were just an added bonus.

Once the results started rolling in, I couldn’t believe my eyes.

I was getting these long, personal emails from women sharing their struggle…

And I would get tears in my eyes just reading them.

My favorite was from a woman named Eva…

Hey Stephanie,

So for the past year I’ve been struggling to tone and shape my butt…

I was eating a high protein diet. Going to the gym. Doing squats. Running. You name it, I tried it. Some days I’d even workout in the morning and at night…

But it seemed like the harder I tried the more cellulite popped-up on my butt and the back of my thighs. And my legs were getting blocky with almost no change in my figure…

Now, this is a little embarrassing…

But it got so bad I would cry in front of my husband before we’d make love and apologize to him for the dimples and sag I had back there

And when he’d touch my butt all I could think of was how flabby it must have felt to him. It killed my mood to the point I HATED being intimate.

Sure, he told me it didn’t matter and he thought I was beautiful…

But you and I both know in those private moments us women want to feel sexy and confident. I thought I’d NEVER feel that way behind closed doors again…

My whole body looked like a box. I’d jokingly say “Spongebob Squarepants” had more curves than me…

I felt like a victim of a cruel genetic joke…

And implants, injections, and all the other surgery options weren’t a choice for me. I mean, the thought of going under the knife like a tomato on a cutting board scared me to death…

So I was excited to put your methods to the test. And oh my gosh, the difference in my workouts are amazing!

It’s  like I unlocked my backside and finally feel every movement in all the right places…

And in just a few days I could see my figure change in the mirror. Even my cellulite spots were getting smaller...

Wearing sexy lingerie in front of my husband used to terrify me but now I love it. It’s like we’ve opened pandora’s box on our love life and I’m more confident than I’ve ever felt…

I’m going to keep following these routines.

I think I’m addicted to these results, haha!

Just want to thank you for sharing your method with me.

Oh and I’ve attached a picture if you want to take a look at the difference 🙂



Eva, mother of 1 from Alabama

Not Only Can You Lift Your Buns in Just 2-Minutes a Day…

Some Women Lost Up To 25 Pounds

That’s because when you start eating more of the fat-blocking foods I mentioned earlier…

Not only will your body block extra fat from forming on your backside…

It also helps shrink your stomach by increasing your female fat-burning hormones.

And as the days went by, I kept coaching up my group of ladies…

…sharing tricks and secrets they never heard before.

Like showing them why they should AVOID all low-fat foods and eat more bacon for breakfast…

I Showed Them Weird Stretches That Naturally Lift Your Buns

And of course, I shared with them my secret bedroom booty routines.

But that’s not all…

I even shared my unusual routine to thin out your thighs in less than 5 minutes.

And I walked them through a bunch of beginner routines since most of them hadn’t done a lick of exercise in over 5 years.

After the Just 30 Days With My Special Group of Ladies, I Realized 3 Things…

The plan I put together WORKS.

I was skeptical when it worked so well for me because that could have just been a coincidence…

However, receiving emails from women like Eva proved just how effective the plan is.

Second, I realized that I LOVE coaching.

Helping these ladies brought so much joy to my life, I knew this was my new calling.

Last but not least, I realized that I had to get this plan into the hands of more women around the world.

Because not only did it improve my health and my body…

Along with hundreds of other women…

But this “escape” got me through the hardest time in my life.

Finally, I had something else to focus on other than my cheating boyfriend…

I had something to pour my heart, soul, and energy into…

And that “something” was my health.

When I did that, and let go of all the anger, the drama, and the stress…

My entire life changed in a matter of months.

From The First Specific Movement, I Could Feel The Muscles In My Glutes “Turn On.” Like A Switch Was Flipped And My Booty Was Being Worked

In All The Right Areas

It was like nothing my butt muscles have ever experienced. And I could feel my heart rate go up too. So I knew I was burning fat and sculpting my backside at the exact same time…

I kept this up for weeks. And only used these movements every other day…

Each morning I’d look in the mirror and notice the tiny, little “booty curve” on my backside becoming more prominent

Little by little I started feeling more sexy, confident

And even spent a few extra minutes staring at my shape in the mirror…

And it was after completely transforming my body and finally burning off all of my pregnancy weight that I knew “Bikini Buns”  had become a special calling for me…

To Lead Women Out Of The Desert Of Disappointment And Into The Promised Land Where Confidence And Sex Appeal Has No Limits

Where you feel giddy each time you catch a glimpse of your butt in the mirror…

And your outfits look and fit better because your backside has the extra firmness that hugs tightly to the fabric of your favorite jeans, shorts, and dresses…

Where you get more compliments about your figure from your friends and co-workers daily…

And your man can’t resist keeping his eyes and hands off of you…

Most importantly, you’ll love your body again and be set free from insecurity and worry.

That’s why I put took EVERYTHING I was teaching to my special group of ladies…

And put it into an easy-to-use system my clients nicknamed…


Bikini Buns

The World’s First and ONLY

2-Minute “Bikini Buns” Sculpting System For Women Over 45 to Lift & Tone Your Backside Right At Home With NO Equipment…

**NOTE: Images are for visualization purposes only. This is a digital product available for instant access **

Bikini Buns is the world’s first at-home system that lifts your butt, eliminates saddlebags, and reverses cellulite using never-before-seen 2 minute routines that you can do right in bed.

I find it CRAZY that women in their 50’s, 60’s, and 70’s are basically giving up because you think there’s nothing that’ll help you get rid of the flabby parts of your body that you don’t like…

Well, I’m here to change all that.

As I mentioned before, the only reason why you have extra fat in certain areas of your body is because of cellular expansion, and…

Once you address that, which you can in just a few minutes a day, then…

The weight starts coming off…

The fat starts melting away…

Your buns lift and tone up…

Your thighs thin out and become more defined…

And your energy shoots through the roof!

After working with over a thousand women in the last year alone, I discovered a NEW and simple routine that anyone can do to get your bikini buns as quickly as possible.

Even better, I was noticing these changes in my OWN body…

Inside The Bikini Buns Program, You’ll Discover:

  • The exact low-impact movements you can do in bed proven to lift, tighten, and strengthen your buns in just minutes a day
  • My “easy as ABC” method to double your fat loss with each Bikini Buns Workout… I call this my “breath-easy metabolism trick.”
  • Why doing hundreds of squats is the best way to firm up your booty, right? WRONG! They actually make your butt look worse.
  • 3 ways to lift your booty without actually exercising… PLUS: 25 of the BIGGEST butt-shaping lies found in popular women’s magazines
  • The three foods you should NEVER eat that are recommended by almost every diet doctor. Eat these foods and you’re sure to see more cellulite dimples the next day
  • What to NEVER eat before and after you exercise, and why. (If you get this wrong, you’ll self-sabotage your results)

  • The #1 BEST time to exercise if you want to target stubborn butt-flab… it’s true! Brand new research from the U.S. National Library of Medicine shows you can laser-target fat areas exercising at this time of day. TIP: You can use this same method to shrink belly or arm fat too.
  • 1 strange posture trick you can use in seconds to INSTANTLY perk up your bootySwimsuit models use this all the time during photoshoots.
  • A sneaky way to sculpt your backside while sitting at your office desk or on the couch at home. PLUS: 7 other weird tricks to lift and tighten your bum without anyone else knowing but you.
  • My 3 favorite Metabolic Booty Movements proven to shape a flirtatious backside while melting away calories and supercharging your metabolism for all-day fat burning. P.S. these Metabolic Booty Movements work for ALL butt-types.
  • Have you heard of “butt amnesia?” It’s a new medical term for women who’ve lost nerve function in your glutes and have poor circulation in your legs. This one problem can even cause cellulite I show you how to prevent and fix butt amnesia in minutes.
  • My “Forever Bubble Butt” Secret to give your butt a lift that won’t quit regardless of age.

  • The 4 fruits and vegetables that you should never eat if you’re looking to firm up your backside and flatten your belly. These so-called “healthy” foods actually cause your booty to expand and get BIGGER, especially after 45.
  • BONUS VIDEO: Give me 2 minutes and I’ll teach you how to speed-up your booty-shaping results using a simple mind-trick that helped me transform my butt and legs. I promise it’s not voodoo. Yet you’ll notice a HUGE difference in your workouts when you do this…
  • The little-known cardio secret for trimming inches of fat off your bum (if that’s your goal)…
    WITHOUT actually “losing” your butt. HINT: It only takes 4-minutes…
  • How to grow a round and perky booty that hugs tightly against your jeans or fills out your favorite bathing suit WITHOUT your legs becoming bulky.
  • 4 “Better than butt implants” stretches you can do before or after your workout to burn extra calories, shape your bum, and unlock tight glute musclesyou’ll notice the difference almost immediately.
  • My “Saddlebag Slimmer” secret you can use to shrink any unwanted fat on your outer thighs. Do this 3x per week and you’ll NEVER have to look or feel those soft and bulgy leg pockets ever again!
  • And so much more!

Here’s What Else You’ll Get Inside The Complete Bikini Buns program:

**NOTE: Images are for visualization purposes only. This is a digital product available for instant access **

Bikini Buns Workout Videos

Valued at $47

Inside the Bikini Buns program, you’ll have access to our new and unique workout plans designed specifically for women over 45.

These workouts are done-for-you. Meaning there’s no guesswork or “figuring it out on your own.”

And they’re CUSTOMIZED exercises using the fastest-working combinations for YOUR booty.

Each workout can be done in 10 minutes or less right from home…

…or in your bedroom…

To lift and tone your buns from every angle possible.

That way, you’ll finally see the toned and trim figure you’re looking for without having to go to the gym where a bunch of strangers sit and stare at you the entire time.

**NOTE: Images are for visualization purposes only. This is a digital product available for instant access **

Bikini Buns Exercise Video Library

Valued at $79

It’s one thing to know what exercises work best for women over 45. It’s another thing to perform each exercise correctly for the best results

With the Bikini Buns Training Exercise Video Library you’ll have detailed coaching instructions for each butt-shaping movement

No confusion. And no more wasted workouts performing exercises incorrectly.

Every workout I get to be right there in the living room with you. Showing you exactly why and how to perform each movement for the “lift” you desire

And I guarantee when you perform the movements in these videos, you’ll FEEL every exercise in all the right areas.

Plus, I’m going to show you one special trick I use to activate every muscle in my booty when exercising. This one stimulation technique gives you that “good booty-burn” every single time.

**NOTE: Images are for visualization purposes only. This is a digital product available for instant access **

Bikini Buns Printable Workout Logs

Valued at $17

This is a fabulous way to track your progress and see results you’ll love. Not just in the mirror, but on paper too…

These logs go hand-in-hand with your complete Bikini Buns Workout programs and can be used with any computer, tablet, or mobile device so you can log your results anywhere, anytime…

And feel motivated and excited as you make progress with every routine…

**NOTE: Images are for visualization purposes only. This is a digital product available for instant access **

Bikini Buns Diet

Valued at $37

The secret most women don’t know is that the easiest way to get your new bikini buns…

Along with a flat bikini stomach to match…

Is by eating the right foods at the right times.

It’s NOT about doing hundreds of squats, lunges, and sit ups.

Those don’t do ANYTHING to actually burn fat.

Instead, when you combine the right belly-blasting foods with strategic meal timing, you can burn the extra fat off your belly, butt, and thighs faster than you ever imagined possible.

Now that was everything you’re going to discover inside the Bikini Buns program…

However, I really wanted to sweeten the pot for you and make this a no-brainer. Virtually guaranteeing your success from here on out. Which is why I’ve decided to include these never before released value-added-bonuses below…

**NOTE: Images are for visualization purposes only. This is a digital product available for instant access **

Bonus #1: Bikini Body Flat Stomach Workout Videos

Valued at $49 – YOURS FREE TODAY!

The best compliment to your new bikini buns is a flat and firm stomach to go with them…

That way you can flaunt your new bikini at the beach this summer even if you haven’t wore a bathing suit in public in years.

That’s because the secret to flattenting your belly isn’t living at the gym, eating tons of vegetables, or skipping meals.

In fact, it’s so much easier! You just need to combine the right gentle movements with a few specific foods that burn fat for women over 45.

**NOTE: Images are for visualization purposes only. This is a digital product available for instant access **

Bonus #2: Bikini Thighs

Valued at $49 – YOURS FREE TODAY!

One of my personal clients absolutely hated her thighs, in fact…

In high school, they called her “tank” because her butt and thighs were so thick and stocky…

And 20 years later, things hadn’t gotten any better despite years of dieting, hours of exercise, and thousands of dollars wasted on personal trainers who didn’t understand her unique needs.

And so, over the years I became an expert at thinning out female thighs in a NEW and unique way that’s never been done before.

I didn’t intend to figure this out, I HAD to because I couldn’t stand to see my friends horrified at wearing a bathing suit because of their “thunderous thighs”.

And so, I developed a unique method to thin out your upper thighs in just 2 minutes a day that works for any woman over 45.

The key is working your thighs from 3 different angles while consuming specific ancient nutrients for lunch and dinner that collapse fat cells.

When you do this, your thighs start to thin out and tone up…usually within the first 48 hours.

**NOTE: Images are for visualization purposes only. This is a digital product available for instant access **

Bonus #3: Bikini Hips & Waist

Valued at $49 – YOURS FREE TODAY!

Are your hips wider than you’d like?

Most women believe that wide hips are a genetic curse that can’t be reversed…

However, in my years of training I’ve discovered that’s simply not true!

The secret is eating a handful of powerful minerals and amino acids that have proven to slim the hips, thighs, and even help remove cellulite.

And when you combine these nutritional tweaks with a few hip-slimming movements you can do in minutes before breakfast…

Your hips will naturally slim down to compliment your new bikini buns and thinned out thighs.

**NOTE: Images are for visualization purposes only. This is a digital product available for instant access **

Bonus #4: Cellulite Freedom Guide

Valued at $27 – YOURS FREE TODAY!

The Bikini Buns Workouts will help tone and tighten your legs and erase bumpy cellulite…

And the Cellulite Freedom Guide will give you extra tips and tricks to make even the most stubborn cellulite pockets disappear. Even those trouble-spot areas you’ve had for years.

Inside the Cellulite Freedom Guide you’ll discover:

  • The #1 way to prevent new cellulite bumps from popping up on your skin. I’ll also give you a sneaky trick to make your cellulite disappear for a few hours
  • The single best method to beat cellulite. Most women make 2 MAJOR MISTAKES that create new cellulite spots. I’ll show you what to avoid on pages 16-18.
  • 14 forbidden foods that practically welcome cottage-cheese-like cellulite to the surface of your skin. And the 6 foods you should eat daily to keep cellulite far, far away. (You can also throw these ingredients into a smoothie for breakfast and even use it as a meal replacement for FAST weight loss all over your body)…
  • Plus, so much more (this small list does NOT even begin to do the amount of information in this book justice)

**NOTE: Images are for visualization purposes only. This is a digital product available for instant access **

Bonus #5: Hollywood Booty Black Book

Valued at $27 – YOURS FREE TODAY!

Now, I’m not a fan of implants… and I don’t recommend spending thousands of dollars on butt-injections like Kim Kardashian, Kylie Jenner and other celebrities…

Which look fake anyway and quite frankly are far from healthy…

However, there are a few women in Hollywood who have a tight, toned, and perky booty WITHOUT any surgery, implants, injections or other phony shortcuts…

Beautiful women with bubbly backsides, like Jessica Biel, Jennifer Aniston and Sandra Bullock. And I want to give you their natural secrets…

Inside the Hollywood Booty Black Book you’ll discover:

  • The “roll out of bed” method you can use tomorrow morning to give your backside a Red-carpet Ready Booty for the rest of the day. It sounds too good to be true, I know, but it works. Check it out on page 17.
  • Hollywood’s Big-screen illusion trick actresses use to give them an extra perk in their backside and create a sexy hourglass shape… HINT: it has everything to do with how you stand and sit and will catch any man’s attention from across the room. You’ll see what I mean when you try it in public…
  • The 7-day Famous Photoshoot Detox… which is a simple routine to help you lose fat around your belly and waistline fast so your backside can pop even MORE

Just promise me you won’t follow this detox any longer than the 7-days, it’s THAT powerful.

**NOTE: Images are for visualization purposes only. This is a digital product available for instant access **

Bonus #6: Varicose Veins Erased

Valued at $19 – YOURS FREE TODAY!

If you hate those eye-catching, sometimes painful, dark-blue and bulging varicose veins on your legs and calves, this is for you…

Because what’s the point of having sexy, lean legs if varicose veins are robbing you of your confidence to show them off?

With Varicose Veins Erased you’ll minimize, even remove those ugly varicose and spider veins WITHOUT surgery or expensive treatment. And I’ll show you exactly how…

Inside Varicose Veins Erased you’ll discover:

  • The root cause of varicose veins that’s hiding in your heart… and one simple fix you can use today to begin vaporizing those pesky blue lines!
  • 3 delicious super fruits packed with a perfect combination of vitamins and minerals that flow into your varicose veins making them lighter and smaller until one morning you wake up and POOF! They’re gone. Find out more on page 11.
  • The #1 “wardrobe malfunction” that causes spider veins… the WORST way to sit that practically forces new varicose veins to form… a daytime snack to gently wipe away those squiggly purple linesand plenty more!

Like I said, I wanted to give you every resource you need to get the shapely, perky backside, flawless legs, tiny waist, and bubbling, sexy confidence that men can’t resist and other women envy…

And my mission is to give EVERY woman the opportunity to wake up and feel in love with their body every single day…

Which is why I’m practically giving away this life-changing program for pennies on the dollar. In the beginning I would have sold this entire Booty Transformation System to my clients for $247 on top of what I was already charging for “in person” training…

I’ve had women offer me upwards of $1200/month just to learn these secrets I’m sharing with you… And eventually I plan on raising the price of my Bikini Buns System to the original value…

However, because I’m releasing this to the public for the first time, I’m seeking out 100 personal testimonials and transformation pictures for my BIG launch of the program later this year.

You’ve proven you’re serious about sculpting a tight and toned booty and erasing those bumpy cellulite spots so I trust you’ll set aside 10 minutes of your day, just a few times a week and follow this life-changing plan to the “T”. For that reason, I’m going to practically give away this program for a pre sale release discount of over 80% off at a one-time investment of just $17.

Click The “Add To Cart” Button Below To Access Your Bikini Buns Program

$97 $17

**NOTE: Images are for visualization purposes only. This is a digital product available for instant access **


Here’s the bottom line…

I’m so confident you’ll see amazing results from my Bikini Buns Program that I want to take ALL the risk off of you, and put it on me. What I mean is…

If you don’t tighten, tone and perk up your booty weeks from now. Get the shapely hourglass body you deserve. And feel sexy and confident in your own skin, I’ll give you every penny back, no questions asked, guaranteed.

You see, traditional workouts are only making your legs bigger while your booty, waist, hips, and thighs remain the same. And cardio and intense diets are only stealing your curves and making your shape more flat and square than curvy and sensual. But it doesn’t have to be this way…

If you’re still reading, I’m willing to bet this is something you may be dealing with on a daily basis. You’re probably sick and tired of trying to shape your body with no success. Or maybe you’re seeing a little bit of results but not as much as you’d like for how hard you’re trying. Or hey, maybe you’re happy with your figure and you just want a little extra shape…

Regardless, I want to make this a zero-risk, no brainer for you. Which is why I’m giving you my “Love Your Body” 60-Day 100% Money Back Guarantee.

I understand you’re a busy woman, so I want to give you a full 60 days to get started. It’s easy to do and only takes a few minutes a day as long as you follow the simple protocol laid out for you inside the program.

If you do, you’ll experience results and notice improvements in your butt right away. Give it a couple of weeks and you’ll watch your entire figure becoming lean and slim, and you’ll begin to love your body again.

But if for some reason you do not notice these things, just reach out and I’ll be more than happy to provide you a full refund.

I’m putting my butt on the line because I’ve experienced the amazing difference this program has made on my body, intimate life, and confidence… What risk do you have?

You Have 3 Options Of Where To Go From Here

Option 1: Is to keep doing what you’ve been doing and maybe that’s nothing. Or maybe that means you’ll keep following the same-old butt and leg workouts you’ve tried in the past. Hoping you’ll tone up, maybe lose weight (if that’s your goal) and get “in shape.”

Even though deep down you know the exercises you’re doing may be working against your natural female hormones that shift after 45…

Causing your legs and waist to become thick and bulky while your butt remains the same…

Plus, you’ll see new bumps of dimply cellulite appear across your backside…

Yet you continue on the same path because you’re set in your “one way” of doing things…

I’m here to tell you the effects of traditional butt workouts and cardio are only sending you in a downward spiral of frustration. Sadly, I’m not making any of this up. I wish I were, but it’s true.

Most women try to diet like crazy, run for miles on the treadmill or spend hours exercising in hopes of speeding up their results…

However, it’s like quicksand. The harder you try, the faster you sink to the bottom. Until your will is broken and you have nothing left to give.

There’s a reason 78% of women over 20 have cellulite. And according to a recent publication, 91% of women are unhappy with their hips, butt and thighs despite exercising

It’s because they’re doing the wrong exercises for their booty. Which, if you just want to be healthy, that’s fine… yet if you want a round and firm backside you’re going to want to change things up. If not, you’ll feel trapped with a butt you hate.

Option 2: You can take everything you’ve learned from this letter and try getting results on your own. And I hope you do. I sincerely mean that. I want to get this information out into the world so every woman can feel confident and sexy in their own skin…

It’s a great feeling. Especially when you break-it-off with those former, pointless exercises like you would an evil ex-boyfriend…

However, let me be honest with you…

The sad truth is 9 out of 10 women who read this page will attempt to “figure it out” on their own. Only about 10% will get it right. They are the lucky ladies who will catch lightning in a bottle.

While the other 90% will quit from a lack of results and continue feeling stuck with a butt they hate…

Do you want to risk your chances and be in the 90% group or the 10% group? I’m sure Las Vegas casinos would take that bet any day.

The last choice you can make…

Option 3: For less than a couple tubes of lipstick, or a pair of discounted yoga pants on the sales rack, you can have access to a simple, revolutionary program designed to maximize your booty-toning results while your thighs, hips and figure become tighter and gain more sex-appeal WITHOUT extreme dieting or performing traditional tush-sabotaging butt workouts…

Plus, you’ll notice a nice boost in self-confidence

Your man won’t be able to keep his hands off of you

And you’ll be the center of attention in any room

Now, I have to be honest, this isn’t “booty implants in a box,” or some magic potion. However, you can achieve these kinds of results naturally and start noticing a difference in just a few

minutes a day.

Just imagine yourself a few weeks from now when you look in the mirror and notice the muscles in your butt becoming more tight and toned

While the once stubborn fat on your backside begins to shrink and your cellulite dimples disappear

And because these workouts are proven to fire-up your metabolism you’ll notice other “perks”…

Like your waistline naturally cinching down by the inches. Your legs looking lean, fit and trim. And you’ll finally have the confidence to wear your favorite pair of shorts on a Summer day…

Or wear that bikini you thought you’d never try on again at the pool or beach WITHOUT an ounce of insecurity. In fact, you’ll be getting so many compliments your face will be glowing (and probably blushing) the whole day…

This feeling of confidence is something you cannot put a price on.

To feel like a sexy woman again. Full of energy, outgoing, and fit… to know you have a beautiful backside and body you can be proud of. And to rekindle the romance between you and your partner… because now, you’re no longer scared of what you look like with the lights on…

And it all begins today. Don’t settle for any less any longer.

Click The “Add To Cart” Button Below To Get Your NEW Bikini Buns

$97 $17


Stephanie H.

P.S. If you want to achieve a toned and firm booty, while speeding up your metabolism, shrinking your waistline, and defeating ugly cellulite… and do it all in a few minutes per week, then here’s your chance. You’re here for a reason. You want to feel sexy in your own skin and love the way your backside looks for every occasion. Or maybe you just want to look good in the mirror and finally feel confident. It’s time for this to be your new reality. You can click here or tap now to get started.

P.P.S. And don’t forget… you’re backed up by my “Love Your Body” 60-day 100% Money Back Guarantee. Just click the button to get started.

You’ve Got Questions? I’ve Got Answers.

What is Bikini Buns and how does it work?

Answer: Bikini Buns is a unique form of booty movements designed specifically for women over 50 and is proven to enhance the shape and firmness of your backside regardless of current shape.

This Booty Solution is specifically designed for women and will give you the exact workouts YOU need for your specific genetics. Which is the key to toning your backside without building puffy legs or increasing the appearance of cellulite.

Is Bikini Buns A Physical Product? Is Anything Shipped?

Answer: Bikini Buns is not a physical product and nothing is shipped to you. The entire course is digital and accessed online. This means you’ll have instant access after you purchase and won’t have to wait for anything to be shipped. We currently don’t offer Bikini Buns as a physical program and won’t in the future because we would have to increase the price and we want to give this affordable to all women. All images above that show DVDs are just for visualization purposes only.

I’m a woman over 50 and I have cellulite. Can this program help me get rid of it?

Answer: Yes. There are plenty of leg and butt exercises you can do from home to reduce, or wipe away cellulite. However, doing the wrong exercises and eating the wrong foods will only make your cellulite appear worse… Which is why I recommend only following the exercises and nutritional guidelines in this program. I’ll show you exactly what to do in the quick start manual.

I’ve also included the Cellulite Freedom Guide. A bonus resource which gives you 21 daily cellulite shrinking short-cuts, including 5 Doctor-Published, cellulite smoothing at-home remedies.

Is it true that performing squats and doing lots of cardio isn’t helping shape or tighten my butt?

Answer: Yes. A recent study published in the Journal of Strength and Conditioning found the majority of women are “quad dominant”. Meaning… when you do squats, or other exercises that bend at the knee… the front of your legs do most of the work. So your thighs build all the muscle! Causing your legs to grow big… while your backside remains the same.

And according to several studies, including one published in the Journal of Applied Physiology… doing too much cardio can cause muscle loss. Including the muscles in your booty. Meaning, the strong and firm muscle that keeps your butt looking round and toned begins to shrink.

Bikini Buns provides a “way out” for women. A solution that doesn’t require hundreds of squats, working out at the gym, or logging dozens of miles on the treadmill per week. Instead, you can sculpt and tone your backside following a few simple gentle routines that work for your body not against it.

Who is Bikini Buns NOT for?

Answer: I’d like to say this program is for everyone but it’s not. If you’re someone who loves spending hours of your week working out, this is not for you. Bikini Buns is for women who want to spend as little time exercising as possible, but still want amazing results. Which can all be done at home. No equipment needed. You see, running hours a week on the treadmill or performing marathon workouts will only push you further away from your desired goal. For that reason I don’t want you to purchase the program until you’re ready to cut back on your workouts at the gym or on the treadmill.

How long before I notice results?

Answer: It depends how much effort you put into the program. The women who get the best results are the one’s who follow the program to the letter. Many notice improvements in their butt and legs in the first few days. However, the typical user of virtually all education products treat them in much the same way they treat a book. The vast majority of people just read or skim through it once, then never implement the program or take the recommended action. The best way to get results is to follow everything outlined in the program. Therefore, it should be understood that since most people never take action reports of specific improvements, booty gains, or any positive results of any kind should be considered the exception rather than the rule.

What if it doesn’t work for me?

Answer: If you don’t notice a difference, just send customer service an email and they will be more than happy to provide you a full 100% money back refund. No questions or hassles.

Who do you recommend Bikini Buns to?

Answer: I strongly recommend this program for ladies 30 years and up looking to lift and firm their booty and reduce stubborn cellulite dimples without spending hours running each week or lifting weights at the gym. According to a recent survey 85% of women over 20 struggle with cellulite and 91% of women don’t like the appearance of their butt, hips and thighs. Bikini Buns ends this frustration women face every year by giving you effective and results-proven workouts.

Click The “Add To Cart” Button Below To Access Your Bikini Buns Program

$97 $17

How long does it take for me to get the program?

Answer: About 10 seconds to a few minutes. After your purchase, you’ll get instant access to the entire Bikini Buns program and free bonuses. You can download it to your computer and start sculpting your backside right away. Nothing is shipped in the mail so you don’t have to wait through any long fulfillment process for your program. The entire program is digital. Plus, doing it this way allows me to offer you the entire system at a reduced price, which are bonus points for you!

Is my credit card and personal information safe?

Answer: Absolutely. When you click the “Add To Cart” button you’ll be taken to ClickBank’s 100% secure payment form. Your credit card and personal information is electronically processed without compromise. Clickbank is a Top 100 global retailer, accredited by the Better Business Bureau and trusted with over 200 million customers in more than 190 countries. They can also process refunds if needed.

Who is Clickbank?

Answer: Clickbank is a global platform where digital product creators can share their information with millions of customers on a 100% secure network. Only after being approved through a strict authorization process and showing evidence on all written claims can a product creator sell their program using this platform. Clickbank’s stern approval process ensures only high quality products and valid information is given to all customers.

Can I use PayPal to checkout?

Answer: Yes. You can securely purchase your Bikini Buns program using your PayPal account or any major debit or credit card.

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